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.a story that out-Cherryhs Cherryh in its layers and twists and turns. I'm not only enthusiastic about these books, I'm impressed, and that doesn't happen all that often--- Greenman Reviews.

...reads like Cherryh near her own top form---Locus on Groundties.

...No padding or wheelspinning here, just the genuine article---Locus on Harmonies of the 'Net.


I think most authors, if they're truly honest, will admit they have one project that stands out above all the rest. For me, that project is the 'NetWalkers (formerly Groundties) series. Long, complex, politically and psychologically intricate...a bit in your face's the story of  individuals who shake up the status quo simply by remaining true to themselves.

Unfortunately, the original series was the victim of one of the worst set of circumstances New York Publishing had to offer. If you're actually interested in the gory details, you can check out the history.

All that aside, this is a series I believe in, a series I couldn't simply allow to fade into obscurity. Rather than let it languish in Warner's fading SF pond, I got the rights back and, after finishing Ring of Destiny, I took time out to write a prequel, in hopes of resurrecting the entire series.

The result, 'Netwalkers, is, IMO the best book that I've ever written. Since I'd never, in six big books, gotten substantive editing out of my publishers, My agent hooked me up with Pat Lobrutto, longtime NY editor and now freelance editing. It was a great experience. Pat gave me some new insights into how to make my books more generally accessible.

The end result: My agent loved it. Pat loved it. CJ loved it. Best selling, award-winning authors like Patricia Briggs and Robert Sawyer loved it.

Unfortunately, writing a good book is not all it takes to get that book published. The fact is, because of that lousy history, the project as a whole carries a lot of marketing problems in its wake and with the state of the publishing industry at the moment, I can't blame the publishers for deciding the risk was too great.

I also refuse simply to let it die. So, when the final word from DAW came down December of 2008, I began investigating other options. Thank goodness for the internet and e-books.

And there's a lot more than just the prequel waiting for readers.

After the revelations of the prequel, new versions of the original series became mandatory. They've all been rewritten and expanded. This gives me the unique opportunity to make the originals available as e-books for free or, in the case of Kindle, for a minimal charge. I'm  hoping that once you've read them, you'll want to read 'Netwalkers, and the new, improved versions of the original Groundties Series.

They aren't available yet...setting up websites and figuring out the e-book formatting comes first, but keep your eye to my blog. In the meantime, here are some excerpts to tempt you.

Excerpts: 'NetWalkers

'NetWalkers: Origins

The Original GroundTies Series

Closed Circle: 'NetWalkers Page


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